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Mēs esam šeit, lai pārnestu Jūsu digitālo ceļojumu nākamajā līmenī - Trinity DEV

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We bring together everything that’s required to build websites. Reach more customers, save time and money, and boost sales.

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Ko mēs piedāvājam

Jūsu pixel-perfect idejas realizēšana

We bring together everything that’s required to build websites. Reach more customers, save time and money, and boost sales.

E-veikala izstrāde

Esi gatavs veiksmīgam pārdošanas procesam

E-komercijas risinājumi, kas dos Jums vēlamos rezultātus, neapgrūtinot, bet gan atvieglojot Jūsu darba ikdienu.

  • Lietotājam ērts un intuitīvs dizains
  • Pārskatāms un optimizēts pārdošanas process
  • Efektīvi konversijas uzlabošanas risinājumi
  • Risinājumi pasūtījumu apstrādes optimizēšanai
Tehniskais atbalsts

Viss darbojas, bet ne līdz galam

Uzticams, zinošs un ērti pieejams tehniskais atbalsts, rokas stiepiena attālumā. Palīdzēsim darba procesu pārtaukumus un apgrūtinājumus padarīt par pagātni.


Sagatavo sevi tālākajiem soļiem

Ja radusies doma par darba optimizēšanu, risinājumu ieviešanu vai attīstību digitālajos risinājumos, tas ir pareizais virziens. Lai negadītos apmaldīties, mūsu speciālisti palīdzēs konsultējot un iesakot labāko.


Dažādi risinājumi jūsu iedvesmai

With concepts in hand, we meticulously design, refining every detail to align with your vision and objectives.

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Connectivity and integrations

Unlock the full potential of your digital ecosystem

In today’s digital environment, seamless integration is key to maximizing your business potential. Our team specializes in connecting different platforms, software and tools to create a single system that improves your operational efficiency. Whether you need to connect your e-commerce platform to an inventory management system, integrate third-party APIs, or synchronize data across multiple platforms, we have the expertise to create secure, scalable connections. Our solutions ensure that all your business tools work together effortlessly, allowing you to focus on growth and innovation without worrying about technical issues. Let Trinity DEV help you discover new possibilities by providing seamless, reliable integration across all your systems.

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E-commerce solutions

Build, scale and thrive in the digital marketplace

In the fast-paced world of e-commerce, building a solid, user-friendly platform is essential to success. We specialize in designing and developing custom eCommerce solutions tailored to your unique business needs. We ensure your platform is both functional and scalable, from creating elegant, responsive online stores to integrating advanced features such as payment gateways, inventory management and personalized shopping experiences. Whether you’re starting a new store or upgrading an existing one, we focus on optimizing performance, security and user experience to help you increase sales and customer satisfaction. Work with us to turn your vision into a thriving online business that can grow and adapt in an ever-changing marketplace.

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Support and testing

Ensuring quality and reliability every step of the way

Ensuring flawless software requires rigorous testing and ongoing support, and we excel at both. Our comprehensive support and testing services ensure that your digital products are reliable, secure and perform to the highest standards. From automated and manual testing to identifying and fixing bugs, we focus on fixing problems before they affect your users. Our dedicated support team is available to provide ongoing maintenance, updates and technical assistance to keep your systems running smoothly. Whether it’s troubleshooting, performance monitoring, or improving existing features, we work closely with you to provide long-term solutions that guarantee optimal functionality and user satisfaction.

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Audit and consulting

Expert guidance on optimized digital solutions

Unlock the full potential of your project with our in-depth audits and expert advice. We provide comprehensive reviews of your digital systems, identifying inefficiencies, security vulnerabilities and performance bottlenecks. Our audits provide actionable insights to improve your website’s performance, user experience and scalability. In addition, our consulting services offer personalized recommendations, helping you design and implement the best solutions for your business. Whether you’re planning a new project or upgrading an existing one, we provide the technical expertise to ensure you’re on the right track. Work with us to make informed decisions that drive your digital success.

Esi gatavs sākt darboties?

Esam gatavi palīdzēt, ja radies kāds jautājums, vai esi gatavs uzsākt pirmos soļus sava projekta plānošanā.

    Saņem jaunumus savā e-pastā

    Piesakies ievadot savu e-pasta adresi un saņemsiet informāciju par dažādiem jauninājumiem, produktiem un risinājumiem, kas spēs uzlabot Jūsu darba ikdienu.